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The Compound Effect

I need to get __________ fixed in my business?!

Have you ever had a cracked windshield? That small chip or crack in a windshield that, when left unattended, grows into something more noticeable and debilitating under harsh conditions or stress. To delay is to pay!

The last one I ignored ended up costing me $1,000 vs. $100 = a 10X difference.

Well, this time is like that time. It’s what’s happening to some agents, team leaders, office or regional leaders, and owners today. We are in a market that feels like a rough mountain logging road full of potholes, rocks, and other obstacles. And if you’re not diligent and attentive, that little crack spreads.

If you are a company owner, regional leader, manager or team leader – the cracks are things like a disappointment with a new or old policy, an unresolved conflict with brokerage staff, a CRM that’s outdated, a misunderstanding of administrative support, or other things getting under the skin of an agent.

If you are an agent – it’s not knowing where your next new appointment is coming from or not having the systems in place to service, the new business while continuing to generate more.

I’m not sure of your dream, yet I suspect for many of you, it’s more financial freedom through a consistent business, better health, stronger relationships, and more connectedness with your community. Yet let’s face it, so many times when you are about to start something toward those dreams, the onslaught of excuses floods your mind like water gushing out of a broken pipe.

The theme of these excuses always traces back to the same root… “I don’t feel like it.”

How many times have you said, “I don’t feel like it?”  How many times have you listened to that thought, allowing it to alter the course of your actions?

What if you could make a different choice?

Here is what I know the 5 words –  “I don’t feel like it” – is the universal human condition that silently kills dreams more dreams than any other 5 words ever created. Yet you and I don’t have to accept this dream killer. We can all overcome the feeling and move powerfully towards our goals and dreams.

Next time you say to yourself, “I don’t feel like it,” you can say of course I don’t, yet I’m choosing to do it anyway!

Step 1: Accept Your Emotional Level Then Redirect

Whatever you are feeling, give yourself permission to feel that way. Instead of denying the reality of your feelings, acknowledge them.  Consider sitting with them for a moment and then make an active decision to regroup. What’s that famous quote? “You can’t stop the birds from flying around your head, yet you can stop them from making a nest.”

Accept, reflect, then redirect.

Step 2: Take Action Toward Your Intention

Instead of listening to “I don’t feel like it” now you are in a position to take a different action. To overcome your feelings and move towards your dreams.  In business and in life, you state your goals and plot your course for reaching them. However, there will be many days when you don’t feel like doing the work, yet go ahead and do it anyway … “feeling like it” is not a pre-requisite.

I need to get __________ fixed in my business?!

Final thought… who’s in charge, you or your feelings?

The winners are the doers.

Accept, reflect, and redirect.
Accept, reflect, and redirect.

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Mark Johnson

Mark's passion and expertise is enabling real estate broker-owners and team leaders to create the systems, structure, and processes to support their growth. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on business success on his blog:

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