Do it until… is the most common denominator for success in anything.
Some of us learn fast, others slowly, and many of us in between. When you are committed to the cause, the effort, and the result, “you do it until ___.”
Fill in the blank; you do it until you gain mastery; you do it until you have confidence; you do it until you are the best!
The common denominator is “I did it until I got it! It doesn’t matter how long it takes.” This is a great growth mindset.
You don’t know how long or short it will take to become an expert, yet if you keep doing what needs to be done – one day at a time – one hour at a time – one minute at a time, one second at a time – eventually all those seconds add up to minutes and minutes add up to hours and so on.
It’s not about how long it takes – if we keep doing what needs to be done – eventually, we get there, and we win.
Do it until ____!