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Are You Being Faithful With Your Time?

A question I was asked today: “Are you being faithful with your time?”

True confession: I gave myself an 8 out of 10.

Let’s face it: we all want to make the most of our time regarding our faith, families, and careers. Yet those distractions get in the way.

With so many things competing for our attention, how do we keep the main thing the main thing?

Hint: It won’t happen by accident.

We have to make intentional decisions each and every moment. And as our acquittance Tony Robbins says, “It’s in our moments of decision that our destiny is shaped.”

As leaders, you and I have learned through years of experience and problem-solving that one of the solutions is intention. The other is accountability.

So here is to being even more intentional next week. My good friend Tom Ferry and I have always said the number one thing we can all do to increase our performance level? Increase our accountability!

Accountability? Besides my coach, I use the High-Performance Planner Weekly Review of High-Performance Habits.

1. Weekly Learning Review – 5 key questions
2. Weekly Life Review – 10 Key Areas like faith, fitness, finances and family
3. Weekly Habits Review (Change the behavior or change the goal?) – 6 areas of clarity to courage

I thought I’d share – I’ve got work to do – how about you?

If I can be of help with accountability or ideas, I’m always here for you.

Cheers to your success.

The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

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Mark Johnson

Mark's passion and expertise is enabling real estate broker-owners and team leaders to create the systems, structure, and processes to support their growth. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on business success on his blog:

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