“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” ~ Stephen Covey
Have you ever worked backward from Friday? At the end of the week, imagine you are sitting down and looking back…what would make this week great?
We can’t control the market this week, yet we can control the daily activities that lead to our expected outcomes.
I’m sure you would agree – without a doubt – we are in uncertain times. The paradox is this: we need both uncertainty and certainty in our business. Yet, from the conversations I’ve had this week, we have more uncertainty than certainty. How can we create more certainty?
Get Clear On What You Really Want.
- Create a picture of what you really want
- Envision it.
- See how it makes you feel.
- Does it move you into action?
You know this is really clear when your purpose resonates and moves you emotionally.
Make It Part Of Everyday!
- Create a daily action checklist and follow it
- What’s the ONE routine you must do every day to win the day?
- Example: P.E.D.S.
- Prayer
- Exercise
- Diet
- Sleep
- What are the one or two activities that move the needle?
- Marketing that creates NEW appointments
- Building and maintaining relationships
- Servicing existing clients and prospects
- Anticipating and solving problems BEFORE they arise
- Completing that project
- Closing open loops
- Is it all in your calendar?
- Example: P.E.D.S.
Have a strategy for when you feel stuck or lost.
- “If I don’t do this, this is what it will cost me,” or
- “If I do this, then this is what I can gain.”
- “I don’t feel like it” can be turned into “I’ll do it anyway.”
If you show up for the day with no structure in your calendar and decide to do “urgent” tasks like returning calls and texts and checking Facebook, those activities will expand and eat up all the time you hoped to devote to more “important” activities. You will end the day unfulfilled and have more uncertainty. Get clear on what you want, make it part of your everyday routine, and have a plan for when you feel stuck or lost. That is a winning formula.
The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.