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Habits Start As A Thin Thread And Become A Strong Cable

Habits – good or poor – start as a thin thread and become a strong cable.

Good Habits vs. Poor Habits

Habits can be our greatest allies or our worst enemies. Good habits, like regular exercise, healthy eating, and consistent sleep, build a foundation for well-being. On the other hand, poor habits, such as procrastination, unhealthy eating, and lack of exercise, can slowly erode our well-being.

The Temptation Battle: Gym vs. Dunkin’ Donuts

Across from one of my local gym locations is a Dunkin’ Donuts. This juxtaposition perfectly illustrates the daily battle between good and poor habits. On one side, the gym represents discipline, health, and long-term benefits. On the other, Dunkin’ Donuts symbolizes immediate gratification and the allure of indulgence. Every day, we face choices that either strengthen our good habits or reinforce our poor ones.

Start, Stop, More of, Less of

When it comes to habits, it’s I’ve found the key is to identify what we need to start, stop, do more of, and do less of. Here are some examples:

  • Start: Incorporating a routine that sets a positive tone for the day and week.
  • Stop: Mindlessly scrolling – approach things with intention.
  • More of: Daily intentional outreach.
  • Less of: Procrastination.

The Journey of Habit Formation

Habits – poor or good – start out as a thin thread and end up being a strong cable. This transformation to good doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistency, patience, and a clear understanding of the goal. By focusing on small, incremental changes, I’ve found you can gradually build habits that support your desired outcome.

I’m sure you’ve read Atomic Habits. If not, grab a copy and dig in.

Habits are powerful. They shape our actions, influence our decisions, and ultimately define who we are. By consciously cultivating good habits and eliminating poor ones, we can create a business and life that aligns with our values and aspirations.

Every small step counts, and over time, these steps weave together to form the strong cable of our daily routines.

Habits – poor or good –  start as a thin thread and become a strong cable.


By design or by default
By design vs. by default

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Mark Johnson

Mark's passion and expertise is enabling real estate broker-owners and team leaders to create the systems, structure, and processes to support their growth. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on business success on his blog:

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