The problem with the traditional to-do list is that it’s about tasks and not about outcomes.
An outcome could be something like: “increase revenue by 25%” or “build a relationship with specific people.”
There is no single task that will cause the outcome. There is arguably a set of tasks that could build up to it.
Concrete, measurable outcomes are better than vague ones, but some highly desirable outcomes can only be qualitatively stated (like relationships) and cannot be quantified (like the number of appointments).
So for myself, I am working to get better at linking my daily tasks to the outcome via process goals. More importantly, I am also trying to nail down this art of defining the process that leads to the desired outcome.
For you, that might be 3 or more NEW appointments each week. So I’d rather see something like this:
- Create 3 or more new appointments each week… then list the task to support that outcome.
- Create 2 or more closings per month between now and the end of the year, and then list the associated process that will lead to appointments that will lead to signed agreements.
- Deepen my relationship with 4 people… then list people and the process that will achieve that outcome
What are your key outcomes and associated processes for this week?