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Stop Incremental Growth: How to Take a Quantum Leap in Your Real Estate Practice

We live in a world of exponential change. Just think, today’s smartphones have the computing power of the entire US government in 1983! This kind of rapid advancement isn’t limited to technology; it’s possible in your business too.

Are you tired of slow, incremental growth? Do you dream of making a significant leap forward? The key lies in understanding the concept of a “quantum leap,” as outlined in Price Pritchett’s powerful book, You Squared.

Pritchett argues that we don’t have to settle for gradual change through sheer hard work. We’re capable of explosive growth with less effort by shifting our mindset and approach. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

Instead of listing all 14 principles from the book (which can be overwhelming), let’s focus on three key ideas that can help you achieve a quantum leap in your business:

  1. Challenge Conventional Thinking: Quantum leaps require breaking free from conventional wisdom. This means questioning “how things have always been done” and being open to new possibilities. For example, instead of focusing solely on traditional marketing methods, consider exploring innovative digital strategies or partnerships.

  2. Focus on the Desired Outcome: Pritchett emphasizes focusing on the “ends” rather than the “means.” This means having a crystal-clear vision of what you want to achieve. Once you have that vision, the solutions and resources will often materialize in unexpected ways. For example, if your goal is to double your client base, focus on the image of that doubled client base and trust that the strategies to get there will become clearer.

  3. Embrace Discomfort and Risk: Quantum leaps require stepping outside your comfort zone. It’s about being willing to take calculated risks and embrace the possibility of failure as a learning opportunity. This could mean investing in new technology, hiring new staff, or launching a bold marketing campaign.

Applying Quantum Leaps to Your Business:

Think about one area of your business where you’re currently stuck in incremental growth. Perhaps it’s:

  • Lead Generation: Are you relying on the same old methods that aren’t producing the results you need?
  • Client Management: Are you spending too much time on administrative tasks instead of focusing on building relationships?
  • Marketing and Branding: Is your messaging outdated or failing to resonate with your target audience?

Consider how these key principles of quantum leaps can be applied to these areas. Maybe it’s time to invest in a new CRM, outsource marketing tasks, or try a completely new lead generation strategy.

Don’t settle for small gains. By challenging conventional thinking, focusing on your desired outcome, and embracing calculated risks, you can unlock the potential for a quantum leap in your business. And that is how we win the day!

A System Will Produce What A System Will Produce, Nothing Less and Nothing More!

Taking Action

Take action!

We can’t do everything today, but we can do one thing, even a tiny thing. 

The winners are the daily doers. 

Research: Those who do not feel they are taking steps toward their goals are 5 times more likely to give up. Elliott ‘99. 


PS: Looking to increase your real estate team or office recruiting game? Book a demo to find out how we can 5X your ROI.

Taking Action
Taking Action

Only You Can Say If This Is A World You Can Succeed In 

Only you can say if this is a world you can succeed in. 

“Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” ~Henry Ford

Research – Franklin & Mizell – showed the more optimistic people viewed their surroundings, the greater they were satisfied with their jobs and their outlook for future success. 


PS: Looking to increase your real estate team or office recruiting game? Book a demo to find out how we can 5X your ROI.

What Story Are You Telling Yourself?

Have you ever thought that the person you have the most conversations with is YOU? And if that is the case for you and me, then the next natural question is, “what story are you telling yourself?” 

Various studies suggest we have anywhere from 6,200 up to 60,000 thoughts a day! Not sure who counted them all, but that is a lot of conversations going on in our heads. 

From this, we can conclude that one of the tendencies of the mind is to focus on the negative and ‘play the same songs’ repeatedly. One study suggested that 80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% of them were the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. So why is this, and what can we do about it? 


Why is it easier to think negatively?


The fact is negative events have a more significant impact on our brains than positive ones. Psychologists refer to this as the negative bias or also called the negativity bias.  Combine this with what psychologists call a confirmation bias, and you have a one-two punch. 

Confirmation bias is the tendency to listen more often to information that conforms with our pre-existing beliefs. Through this bias, people tend to favor information that reinforces the things they already believe. These biases combined have a powerful effect on our behavior, our decisions, and even our relationships.

In the Leahy Study, 2005, from Cornell University, scientists found that 85% of what we worry about never happens, and 15% of the worries did happen. 79% of the subjects discovered that either they could handle the difficulty better than expected or that the problem taught them a lesson worth learning. So, the conclusion? 


97% of our worries are baseless and result from an unfounded pessimistic perception.


Some ideas to redirect negative thoughts: 

  1. Start with a mindset of “No Judgments.” 
  2. Reframe the story. 
  3. Reframe your expectations.  
  4. Find a healthy distraction. 
  5. Commit to keeping optimistic company. 
  6. Question and rotate the media you choose to consume. 
  7. Start a beginning of the day and end of day gratitude journal 
  8. Connect with a mentor, coach, or trusted advisor 

If we took the time to document all the thoughts that pass through our minds, we could write a book every day.  Yet would that book be one that anyone else wants to read? Create a better story, wrote a better book. The question is: 


Who’s in charge you or your thoughts?



Technology vs. Relationships

Technology vs. Relationships.
The top 1% approach it differently.

Peter Sheehan, a leading expert on generational change and business performance, wrote about how peak performers use technology yet stay in touch with genuine relationships.

There are over twenty different ways to affirm others, but you can reduce them to just two verbs:

Notice and Verbalize.

What would happen if today:

  • At family gatherings, invite everyone to mention something they admire about another family member.
  • Look for someone making do in disappointing circumstances and affirm their perseverance.
  • When someone helps you change your mind about an issue, affirm their persuasiveness and communication skills.

Success can take many forms, like affirming others through noticing and verbalizing.


PS: Looking to increase your real estate team or office recruiting game? Book a demo to find out how we can 5X your ROI.

Why Do Most Efforts To Change Fail?

Well, that is a bummer of a headline! Read on.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

~ Leo Tolstoy

According to Harvard professor Dr. John Paul Kotter – and confirmed by my coaching experience – efforts to change fail due to a lack of a STRONG sense of URGENCY. In his book, “A Sense Of Urgency,” Kotter states:

Change efforts most often fail when those desiring to change do not create a high enough sense of urgency to make a challenging leap in a new direction. Urgency and urgency is key. Urgency is the state of mind that creates IMMEDIATE action in your new direction.

Once you have determined your desire, take action. Any action. A small step, a medium step, or a massive step. Taking action and taking more action is the ONE THING we must all learn to cultivate to achieve higher levels of success.

If you believe what you have in mind will make a difference, I just have two questions.

  • What are you waiting for?
  • What’s holding you back?

Whatever it is, push through it today and TAKE ACTION.

Share with someone right now the action step you are committed to taking… and ask them to help hold you accountable.


PS: Looking to increase your real estate team or office recruiting game? Book a demo to find out how we can 5X your ROI.


Beyond the Surface: Discovering Your True “Why”

A few years ago, I was coaching a real estate agent who was eager to implement some new sales strategies. “I can’t wait to begin,” she exclaimed to me.

Instead of simply praising her enthusiasm, I asked a simple but powerful question: “Why is that important to you?”

Her initial answer was predictable: “To sell more homes.”

But I kept digging:

  • “Why do you want to sell more homes?” “To make more money.”
  • “Why do you want to make more money?” “To buy a larger home.”
  • “Why do you want a larger home?” “So my mother and sister can move in with me.”
  • “Why is that important?” “It’s been our dream to live together as a family.”

This conversation revealed something crucial: she didn’t really want to sell more houses. Selling more houses was simply a means to an end. What she truly desired was the experience of living with her family in a shared home. Her “why” wasn’t about sales figures; it was about family connection and fulfilling a long-held dream.

This principle applies to all areas of life, not just real estate. We often focus on surface-level goals—more sales, a promotion, a bigger paycheck—without considering the deeper motivations behind them.

Why is it important to uncover your true “why”?

  • Increased Motivation: When you connect with your core motivations, you tap into a powerful source of intrinsic drive. This makes it easier to overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals.
  • Clearer Focus: Understanding your “why” helps you prioritize your actions and make decisions that align with your values.
  • Greater Fulfillment: Achieving surface-level goals without a strong “why” can leave you feeling empty. Connecting with your deeper motivations leads to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

How can you discover your own “why”?

Use the “5 Whys” technique, as demonstrated in the opening example. When you identify a goal, ask yourself “why” five times (or as many times as necessary) to peel back the layers and uncover the underlying motivation.


  • Goal: I want to get a promotion.
  • Why? To earn more money.
  • Why? To provide a better education for my children.
  • Why? Because I want them to have more opportunities than I did.
  • Why? Because I want to ensure they have a secure and fulfilling future.

In this example, the true “why” is about providing for the next generation and ensuring their future well-being.

What are your goals? Take a moment to ask yourself “why” and dig deeper. You might be surprised at what you discover. Uncovering your true “why” is the first step towards achieving lasting success and fulfillment. And that is how we win the day!

So what is it you REALLY want?


Imagine That
Imagine That



Commitment And Courage: C > F = R

“In playing ball, and in life, a person occasionally gets the opportunity to do something great. When that time comes, only two things matter: being prepared to seize the moment and having the courage to take your best swing.” ~ Hank Aaron

How To Seize The Moment?
C > F = R
When your commitment is greater than your feelings, than you get the result you want.

How To Build The Courage?
C > F = R
When your courage is greater than your fear, than you get the result you want.


PS: Looking to increase your real estate team or office recruiting game? Book a demo to find out how we can 5X your ROI.

Commitment And Courage: C > F = R
Commitment And Courage: C > F = R