Remember that small chip in your windshield that you kept putting off? It eventually spread into a major crack, costing you far more to repair than if you’d addressed it immediately. The same principle applies to your real estate business. Small, unattended issues can quickly escalate, especially in a challenging market.
Think of today’s market as a rough, pothole-filled road. If you’re not paying attention, small cracks in your business foundation can widen. For real estate agents, these cracks might look like:
- Not knowing where your next lead is coming from.
- Lacking systems to handle new business while still generating more.
- Feeling overwhelmed by administrative tasks.
- Struggling to maintain motivation.
These seemingly minor issues can lead to a bigger problem: the dreaded “I don’t feel like it” mentality. This feeling—this resistance to doing the work—is the universal dream killer. It stops more people from achieving their goals than any other excuse.
But you can overcome this. You can choose a different path.
Here’s a two-step strategy to overcome “I don’t feel like it” and keep your business on track:
Step 1: Acknowledge and Reframe.
It’s okay to not feel motivated sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, acknowledge the feeling without letting it control you. Think of it like this: You can’t stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair.
Here’s how to reframe: Instead of saying “I don’t feel like making calls today,” acknowledge the feeling (“I’m feeling a bit resistant to making calls right now”) and then add a reframe: “…but I’m going to make just five calls to get started.”
Step 2: Take One Small Action.
Momentum is built through action, not motivation. You don’t need to feel like it to start. In fact, often, the feeling of motivation comes after you’ve taken the first step.
Here are some examples of small actions you can take:
- Lead Generation: Make just five calls, send three emails, or post one engaging social media update.
- Client Follow-up: Send a quick text to a past client or schedule a coffee meeting with a potential referral source.
- Skill Development: Spend 15 minutes reviewing market data or practicing a new script.
- Organization: Clear your desk, organize your files, or update your CRM.
By focusing on one small, manageable action, you break the cycle of procrastination and build momentum. Once you start, you’ll often find it easier to keep going.
The Bottom Line:
You are in charge of your business, not your feelings. Don’t let “I don’t feel like it” derail your dreams. Acknowledge the feeling, reframe it, take one small action, and watch your business thrive. And that is how we win the day.
The winners are the doers.

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