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    Motion vs. Action

    Today’s mindset:

    “Being in motion and taking action sound similar, yet they are different.”

    Motion is when you’re busy doing something, but that task will never produce an outcome by itself.

    Action, on the other hand, is the type of behavior that will get you a result.

    If I outline 20 ideas for articles I want to write, that’s motion. If I actually write and publish an article, that’s action.

    What action do you need to take today? (Hint for most of us: create 1 or more new appointments.)


    Follow Up
    Follow Up

    Recruiting Insight: The Great Stay, Why Homeowners Are Staying Put

    Recruiting Insight: The Great Stay, Why Homeowners Are Staying Put

    For our recruiting and attracting clients, the future is bright for agent growth.

    As my business partner Ben Hess – a sailor, says – “fair winds and following seas:” A well-known phrase in the maritime world that means the wind and sea will likely be going in your direction.

    October 2024 Commentary

    Jobs and real estate work together… has that changed? My business acquaintance Mike Simonsen from Altos Research coined the term “the Great Stay.” In summary, Mike states:

    • Conventional wisdom has been that the job market must weaken and unemployment must rise… yet unemployment has stayed low for several years.
    • Normally, when unemployment is low, many of us have confidence we can find a new or better job. Maybe more likely to change jobs.
    • What we are seeing post-pandemic is layoff rates are very low, and the rate at which companies are hiring is low. So, no one wants to upset “a good thing.”
    • Housing? Homeowners have a good thing with low rates and a very good run-up in equity.
    • The incentive to move to “lower cost” states has equalized with higher rates. So, no one wants to upset “a good thing!”

    The great stay for jobs and real estate.

    • While inventory is more than the prior year (34% more), it is compressing as recently at 40% more than last year.
    • The story that real estate is local is becoming more pronounced; for example, while Denver has more inventory than at any time in the last decade, Orange County, CA is still much tighter.

    The outlook? On a National basis, Ralph McLaughlin, Senior Economist,, said, “We expect the economy to land softly and housing inventory to continue to recover. This should put downward pressure on mortgage rates this fall and winter and set the stage for a much better season for homebuyers in 2025.”

    Bankrate did a survey that indicated “More Than Half of Homeowners Would Be Motivated to Buy With Rates Under 6% while 33% Of Sellers Would Be Motivated Below 6%.” Some are projecting that this rate scenario could occur in the first quarter of 2025.

    Some additional highlights?

    • Conditions are better now than in prior quarters.
      • The third week in a row with more sales – this week, 16% more than a year ago
    • Very different market-by-market
    • Mortgage rates are now 6.18%, and a four-firm prediction says 5.68% by Q4 of next year.
    • National average price appreciation is expected to slow to 2.6%
      • Wide variation depending on geography and new home builder activity
    • A 14% increase in home sales (low-range 10% and high-range 21%)
      • 2024 is projected to end at 4.7 million homes sold
      • 2025 is projected at 5.4 million (average of 3 sources with a range from 5.2 to 5.7)
    • Waiting until next spring or summer would give you more inventory to choose from, but you will be up against greater competition during peak buying season.
      • “Nothing Good Happens When You Wait,” ~ Mark Johnson.

    My takeaway?

    • No one can give perfect advice… yet you can provide informed advice.
      • Follow the data.
      • The trends leave clues.
    • It’s never been more important to understand the Macro (State and National) and Micro (Regional and Local) markets. My friends at Altos and KCM have some pretty great tools to do both. Hit me up for more insight.

    Happy business development!


    A System Will Produce What A System Will Produce, Nothing Less and Nothing More!

    Distractions vs. Focus, Who Wins?

    Distractions. Does anyone have those?
    In a world of endless distractions, protecting your most prized resource—”your attention”—must be a priority.
    What if?
    What if… we didn’t fight distraction? We just made them irrelevant.
    Accept, Reflect, and Redirect!
    It’s not the distraction’s fault; it’s your focus.
    TCF+ is the daily discipline and the daily focus! 
    • Touches 
    • Conversations 
    • Face to Face or Zoom to Zoom 
      • Plus +
    • Referrals 
    • Database adds 
    • Hires 

    And we all know the “R” in CRM is relationship!  

    Sometimes, these distractions come from A.N.T.S.: ants, say what? Automatic negative thoughts… (l learned this from Dr. Daniel Amen). 

    Let’s face it—agent recruiting and attraction are hard work and typically play out in the long game. They require frequent repetition of proactive tasks with infrequent positive feedback, which is fertile soil for negative thoughts and doubts.

    The antidote? Complimentary resources from Recruiting Insight! 

    We’ve put together a library of resources to enhance your recruiting and attraction game – click here – to check it out. 

    What if… we didn’t fight distraction? We just made them irrelevant.

    Accept, reflect, and redirect.
    Accept, reflect, and redirect.

    Winter Is Coming!

    Winter is coming!

    The next 12 weeks:

    • Listings
    • Leverage, and
    • Leads

    Your revenue runs at the speed of trust.

    Think about it: as trust increases, speed increases, and cost decreases.

    What if, over the next 12 weeks, we all built more trust by:

    • Talking straight
    • Created more transparency
    • Delivered results
    • Confronted reality head-on
    • Clarified expectations
    • Practiced more accountability
    • Kept our commitments

    Trust is your brand.

    That’s how we win the day, the month, and the rest of 2024 into 2025.

    “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ~ Nelson Mandela



    Every Monday Matters
    Every Monday Matters

    Beneficial or Harmful?

    I was reflecting today that many things in life and business can be beneficial or harmful depending on how they are used or managed:

    • Fire, when contained and controlled, provides warmth, cooks our food, and serves many other beneficial purposes. However, when uncontained, it becomes dangerous, costly, and destructive.
    • Water in the right amount keeps us hydrated and healthy. Although rare, excessive water intake can overwhelm the kidneys, leading to a condition called hyponatremia, where sodium levels in the blood drop to unhealthy levels. (I was participating in a bike ride event where some participants had to be airlifted due to hyponatremia.)
    • When used responsibly, technology can enhance our lives, improve communication, and increase productivity. However, excessive or inappropriate use can lead to issues like addiction, mis or disinformation, decreased face-to-face interactions, and theft/scams.
    • Medicine, properly prescribed and taken, can cure illnesses and improve health. Misuse or overuse, however, can lead to side effects, dependency, or even resistance to treatment.
    • Sunlight is essential for vitamin D production and overall well-being. Too much exposure, though, can result in sunburn, skin damage, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

    Like fire, water, technology, medicine, and sunlight, many aspects of our business and lives have dual potentials. They can be incredibly beneficial when used wisely and within limits, but they can also become harmful if mismanaged or overused.

    It’s a balancing act that requires awareness and responsibility.

    Control the Controllable
    Control the Controllable

    What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?

    Business often throws us into situations where we feel stuck, unsure of the next step. Whether it’s a career decision, a personal dilemma, or just a general sense of being lost, not knowing what to do can be incredibly frustrating.

    Here are some strategies to help you navigate these uncertain times:

    Focus on Ends, Not Means

    When you’re unsure of what to do, it can be helpful to shift your focus from the process to the outcome. Ask yourself, “What do I ultimately want to achieve?” By clarifying your end goals, you can better evaluate the different paths available to you. This approach helps you stay flexible and open to various methods of reaching your desired outcome.

    Focus on Your Values

    Your values are your internal compass. When you’re lost, they can guide you back to a path that feels right. Take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Is it honesty, creativity, family, or something else? Aligning your actions with your core values can provide a sense of direction and purpose, even when the way forward isn’t clear.

    Keep Taking Action – Even If It’s Just One Small Step

    Inertia can be paralyzing. When you don’t know what to do, the worst thing you can do is nothing. Even a small step can create momentum. Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Completing these smaller tasks can build confidence and provide clarity on what to do next.

    Talk It Out/Get a Second Opinion

    Sometimes, the best way to find clarity is to talk it out with someone you trust. A fresh perspective can offer insights you hadn’t considered. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or mentor, getting a second opinion can help you see your situation from a different angle and may reveal new solutions.

    Trust Your Feelings/Gut

    Your intuition is a powerful tool. While it’s important to gather information and consider your options, don’t discount your gut feelings. Often, your subconscious mind picks up on things that your conscious mind might miss. Trusting your instincts can lead you to choices that align with your true self.

    Sleep, Hydrate, Rest

    Never underestimate the power of basic self-care. When you’re tired, dehydrated, or stressed, your ability to think clearly is compromised. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and taking time to rest. Sometimes, a good night’s sleep can bring a fresh perspective and renewed energy to tackle your challenges.

    It’s okay not to have all the answers right away. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

    Feeling lost or unsure is a natural part of business. By focusing on your end goals, aligning with your values, taking small steps, seeking advice, trusting your intuition, and taking care of your basic needs, you can navigate through uncertainty with greater ease.


    Some is better than none
    Some is better than none

    Five Lessons We Learned From 9/11

    Five lessons we learned from 9/11 that we could use and apply today:

    1. In tragedy, love is needed more than ever
    2. Bravery comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes
    3. None of us are EVER alone
    4. Faith can grow from horrific events
    5. We are strong and resilient

    When Americans lend a hand to one another, nothing is impossible.

    Always Honor
    Never Forget


    Do The Next Right Thing!
    Do The Next Right Thing!



    90 To 95 Days Remain

    90 to 95 days… I was just looking, and basically, we have about 90 to 95 productive days left in 2024. Can you believe it?

    I personally love “90-day sprints”; they are just long enough to make good progress but not so long that they get boring. Do you?

    I have a 90-day sprint guide; shoot me a message to get a copy.

    The great late Billy Graham said it best:

    “Decisions are made whether we make them or not. Time decides if you will not. Because not deciding is a choice, decisions are made whether we make them or not. Bottom line: time is our enemy, and time ALWAYS wins unless action is taken.”


    A System Will Produce What A System Will Produce, Nothing Less and Nothing More!

    Habits Start As A Thin Thread And Become A Strong Cable

    Habits – good or poor – start as a thin thread and become a strong cable.

    Good Habits vs. Poor Habits

    Habits can be our greatest allies or our worst enemies. Good habits, like regular exercise, healthy eating, and consistent sleep, build a foundation for well-being. On the other hand, poor habits, such as procrastination, unhealthy eating, and lack of exercise, can slowly erode our well-being.

    The Temptation Battle: Gym vs. Dunkin’ Donuts

    Across from one of my local gym locations is a Dunkin’ Donuts. This juxtaposition perfectly illustrates the daily battle between good and poor habits. On one side, the gym represents discipline, health, and long-term benefits. On the other, Dunkin’ Donuts symbolizes immediate gratification and the allure of indulgence. Every day, we face choices that either strengthen our good habits or reinforce our poor ones.

    Start, Stop, More of, Less of

    When it comes to habits, it’s I’ve found the key is to identify what we need to start, stop, do more of, and do less of. Here are some examples:

    • Start: Incorporating a routine that sets a positive tone for the day and week.
    • Stop: Mindlessly scrolling – approach things with intention.
    • More of: Daily intentional outreach.
    • Less of: Procrastination.

    The Journey of Habit Formation

    Habits – poor or good – start out as a thin thread and end up being a strong cable. This transformation to good doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistency, patience, and a clear understanding of the goal. By focusing on small, incremental changes, I’ve found you can gradually build habits that support your desired outcome.

    I’m sure you’ve read Atomic Habits. If not, grab a copy and dig in.

    Habits are powerful. They shape our actions, influence our decisions, and ultimately define who we are. By consciously cultivating good habits and eliminating poor ones, we can create a business and life that aligns with our values and aspirations.

    Every small step counts, and over time, these steps weave together to form the strong cable of our daily routines.

    Habits – poor or good –  start as a thin thread and become a strong cable.


    By design or by default
    By design vs. by default

    Trust. The speed of trust.

    Trust. The speed of trust.

    In my memories, today was when we had tickets to a doubleheader: Reds vs. the Angels, and I was the designated driver. My family trusted me to drive to get them back and forth safely; in fact, Tim fell asleep in route. That’s trust.

    Trust is so important in so many ways.

    Trust is everything, whether it’s driving my family or friends or working with my associates, clients, and vendors. There’s nothing more impactful on people, their work, and their performance than trust.

    Stephen Covey said it best:

    “You can ignore the principles that govern trust—but they will not ignore you.”

    In other news, that night was tough for the home team.


    Your promise is your brand
    Your promise is your brand