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So How Consistent Are You Right Now?

When you are inconsistent, nothing works at the optimal level.

Here’s what I know: recruiters, talent attraction coordinators, team leaders, managers, and real estate sales professionals who consistently set and attend appointments are producing more results, period. These leaders are consistent and disciplined in their daily prospecting and marketing routines.

Consistency… social media does not work if you are not consistent; geographic farming does not work if you are not consistent; repeat and referral does not work if you are not consistent; open houses will not work if you are inconsistent; online leads – a waste – if you are not consistent; recruiting and talent attraction is a roller coaster without consistency.

Show me something in your business that works when you are inconsistent.

Anything you are going to do, the more consistent you are with your mindset, attitude, approach, expectation, strategy, and tactics, the more predictable the result.

Bottom line: when you are consistent, everything works… when you are inconsistent, nothing works.

So my question is, what have you been inconsistent with?

What has that inconsistency cost you financially, emotionally, or physically?

I’d submit that the action we can all take is to be more consistent in creating, setting, and attending more new appointments.

We cannot control the market.

We can control ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions.

Next Steps:

  1. Make an appointment-setting goal for the next 2 weeks and share it with an accountability partner.
  2. Gather your past client list, all of your past leads, open house registers, and people you know, and start making appointments today.
  3. Be CONSISTENT… list the 1, 2, or 3 things you must do consistently to propel your business forward.

Consistency is undefeated.


Winning the day - consistency!
Winning the day – consistency!

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Mark Johnson

Mark's passion and expertise is enabling real estate broker-owners and team leaders to create the systems, structure, and processes to support their growth. He also enjoys sharing his thoughts on business success on his blog: