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The Power of Persistence in Real Estate: It’s Not Pressure, It’s Value!

You cannot give someone something that you don’t already possess. As real estate professionals, we want others to believe in us, our ideas, and our services. But how strongly do we believe in ourselves?

True confidence is demonstrated by our willingness to persist, even in the face of resistance. It’s not always easy, but it’s always possible. Influential real estate coaches and even the Bible emphasize the importance of persistence.

The key is understanding the difference between persistence and pressure. Sales pressure is repeating the same message regardless of the other person’s concerns. Real estate sales persistence, on the other hand, is about empathy, adjusting your approach, refining your message, and adding more value. It’s about demonstrating that you are the best person to serve their needs.

Persistence: A Universal Principle

Persistence isn’t situational; it applies to everyone, all the time. Are you simply finding deals, or are you actively forging them? Many opportunities lie in creating interest, engagement, desire, and urgency.

Persistence communicates several crucial messages:

  • Genuine Care: You believe people are better off working with you. You’re changing lives.
  • Confidence: You believe in your abilities. Your actions, words, and questions make the difference.
  • Understanding and Targeted Solutions: You understand their situation and offer specific solutions. Certainty is more influential than enthusiasm.
  • Multiple Reasons to Move Forward: You offer value beyond simply listing or showing a property. You provide unique insights that are compelling to each client.

6 Habits of Highly Persistent People (Condensed):

  1. Celebrate their work.
  2. Are driven by a purpose.
  3. Expect and prepare for resistance.
  4. Don’t take resistance personally.
  5. Use resistance to gain insights and add value.

Why Persistence Matters (Key Points):

  • No Substitute: Persistence is essential. You either commit to figuring it out, or you don’t.
  • Don’t Give Up Too Soon: Just because someone doesn’t agree immediately doesn’t mean the opportunity is lost.
  • Consider the Cost of Inaction: What do you cost others by not following through?
  • Addressing Common Objections:
    • Different Communication Styles: Sometimes people need to hear the message differently, appealing to different emotional motives (Profit, FOMO, Comfort, Avoiding Pain, Love, Prestige).
    • Need for More Reasons: Sometimes people need more value stacked onto the offer.
    • Lack of Understanding How to Proceed: Sometimes people need guidance through the process.
    • Need for Time: Sometimes people simply need more time to process the information.

My Conclusion:

Persistence, unlike pressure, always makes sense. It demonstrates your confidence and commitment. By empathizing, adjusting, and adding value, you can turn resistance into opportunity. And that is how you win the day.

Persistence vs. Pressure
Persistence vs. Pressure


Somethings Are Just Hard

Near-death by a car accident, boot camp, Kilimanjaro Summit day, Hellmecula, Snowmageddon, Spartan Beast, crazy markets, and so much more.

Some things are just hard, and you want to quit.

I’ve made it through some tough situations with this one strategy: looking only a few steps, tasks or minutes ahead.

“Doing the next right thing.”

At certain times tunnel vision is a good thing.

Consider this – the next time getting through a challenge that seems like it might be too much for you. Lower your gaze to whatever the next minute, step, or task is right in front of you. Then take it.

There are times when big-picture thinking is needed. Yet the moments when you doubt you have the strength or the desire to put one foot in front of the other isn’t among them.

Do the next right thing.

Do The Next Right Thing!
Do The Next Right Thing!

Less Is More!

Focused Time. The top 1% know that less is more! Say what?

Who would you imagine to be more productive—someone who works 55 hours a week or someone who works 70?

If you guessed the latter, you’d be incorrect. Research done by Stanford showed that productivity diminishes after 40 hours and falls off a cliff after 55 hours. In essence, less is more.

Resource? Life on The Wire by Todd Duncan – in his book Todd challenges the status quo in search of a better, smarter way to work and live.


Less is more!
Less is more!

Ignorance Causes Misery

Ignorance: willful, circumstantial or accidental?

It cripples our society in destructive ways: racism is rooted in ignorance, bigotry is rooted in ignorance, sexism is rooted in ignorance, tolerating violence is rooted in ignorance, oppressing the poor is rooted in ignorance.

Ignorance causes misery.

Transformation requires suspending our ego along with an open heart and mind. I’m at war, I’d like us all to be at war against ignorance.

So How Consistent Are You Right Now?

When you are inconsistent, nothing works at the optimal level.

Here’s what I know: recruiters, talent attraction coordinators, team leaders, managers, and real estate sales professionals who consistently set and attend appointments are producing more results, period. These leaders are consistent and disciplined in their daily prospecting and marketing routines.

Consistency… social media does not work if you are not consistent; geographic farming does not work if you are not consistent; repeat and referral does not work if you are not consistent; open houses will not work if you are inconsistent; online leads – a waste – if you are not consistent; recruiting and talent attraction is a roller coaster without consistency.

Show me something in your business that works when you are inconsistent.

Anything you are going to do, the more consistent you are with your mindset, attitude, approach, expectation, strategy, and tactics, the more predictable the result.

Bottom line: when you are consistent, everything works… when you are inconsistent, nothing works.

So my question is, what have you been inconsistent with?

What has that inconsistency cost you financially, emotionally, or physically?

I’d submit that the action we can all take is to be more consistent in creating, setting, and attending more new appointments.

We cannot control the market.

We can control ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions.

Next Steps:

  1. Make an appointment-setting goal for the next 2 weeks and share it with an accountability partner.
  2. Gather your past client list, all of your past leads, open house registers, and people you know, and start making appointments today.
  3. Be CONSISTENT… list the 1, 2, or 3 things you must do consistently to propel your business forward.

Consistency is undefeated.


Winning the day - consistency!
Winning the day – consistency!

Schedule Your Success: 7 Ways to Secure Daily Appointments

“In the end, someone or something always gives up. Either you give up and quit, or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.” ~ Idowu Koyenikan

Consistent appointments are the lifeblood of a thriving real estate business. Just imagine the impact of adding one moreappointment to your workday. This post provides seven key strategies to help you schedule your success.

Focus on Action and Control:

While we can’t control the market or other people’s opinions, we can control our actions and our response to market conditions. By focusing on deliberate appointment setting, we take control of our business growth.

Why Appointments Matter:

An appointment is more than just a meeting; it’s an opportunity to build trust, provide value, and establish yourself as a trusted advisor. These valuable interactions can take many forms:

  • Listing presentations with motivated sellers
  • Buyer consultations to understand their needs and goals
  • Property previews with potential buyers or sellers
  • Networking with past clients, centers of influence, or potential referral sources
  • Meetings with investors or HR professionals involved in relocation

By consistently scheduling these types of interactions, you create opportunities for growth and establish stronger client relationships. These opportunities often arise from what we call the “8 D’s” of real estate:

  • Death: The passing of a homeowner often requires the sale of the property to settle the estate.
  • Divorce: Separating couples frequently need to sell their shared home and divide the proceeds.
  • Diamonds (Marriage/Engagements): New couples often choose to purchase a home together.
  • Downsizing: Empty nesters or those seeking a simpler lifestyle may opt for a smaller home.
  • Diapers (Growing Families): The arrival of children often necessitates more space.
  • Deployment: Military deployments can require homeowners to sell their property.
  • Default (Foreclosure): Financial hardship can unfortunately lead to foreclosure.
  • Displacement (Job/Career): Job loss, new career opportunities, or company relocation can require individuals or families to move. (This also includes life changes like graduations, where a parent might sell a property purchased for a child in college.)

How? 7 Keys to Daily Appointments:

  1. Prioritize Setting Appointments: Make it a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Schedule dedicated time for it.
  2. Define Appointments for Success: Expand your definition. It doesn’t always have to be a signed listing agreement. A valuable initial conversation, a property preview, or a networking coffee meeting can all be successful.
  3. Positive Self-Talk: Cultivate a positive mindset. Use affirmations like “I confidently schedule valuable appointments each day.”
  4. Stay Connected with Leads: Utilize a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to effectively manage and nurture your leads.
  5. Identify Your “Automatic Shot”: Determine your most reliable source of appointments (past clients, referrals, etc.) and consistently leverage it.
  6. Develop Closing Skills (Value-Based): Focus on mastering objection handling and asking insightful questions to uncover client needs. This value-based approach builds trust.
  7. Maintain a Goal-Oriented Mindset: Focus on your daily appointment goal, but don’t get fixated on how each appointment will materialize. Trust that consistent action and a focus on providing value will create opportunities.

Action Steps:

  • Schedule Appointment Setting Time: Block out specific time slots in your calendar.
  • Craft a Concise Introduction: Develop a brief, compelling introduction that highlights your value proposition.
  • Practice Handling Objections: Prepare for common objections by scripting and practicing effective responses.
  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your appointment setting activities and track your results.

My Conclusion and Call To Action :

Consistent appointment setting is the cornerstone of a successful real estate career. By prioritizing these valuable interactions, focusing on providing value, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can schedule your success and build a thriving business. That is how you win the day!

If I Am Always Shaking The Tree, An Apple Will Fall Somewhere!
If I Am Always Shaking The Tree, An Apple Will Fall Somewhere!

Your Real Estate Business Is Like A Rowing Team

Your Business Is Like A Rowing Team

“A coach is someone who helps you see what you don’t want to see so you can be who you’ve always wanted to be.” ~ Tom Landry

One of my former associates, real estate team leader and top producer from Austin, Texas, is also a “coxswain” and a rowing coach. He told me a story about a new rower placed on a boat with eight others. He noticed she appeared to be working very hard and sweating profusely. Yet, her technique was so off it wasn’t helping the team.

Can you relate to a time when you’ve been working hard and not getting the result you intended?

A rowing team – and your business – need more than just quality, skilled resources. You also need all your resources in the right seats, doing the right things.

Here’s the thing I learned about rowing: in an eight-person boat, each rower has one oar—four on port and four on starboard. If one side pulls harder than the other side, the boat turns. If one side’s oars are raised higher than the other side, the boat tips. To find the set and create a swing, everyone must work together to balance the boat and have the exact timing. Your hands must be at exactly the right height as you slide up to the catch. Every oar has to drop into the water at the exact same time. Everyone needs to pull under equal pressure. All the blades need to come out of the water and release in unison. Any deviation disrupts the boat.

So, what can we learn?

First, have a clear direction, but an easy hand on the steering: The “coxswain” job is to keep the boat on course and steer the straightest line possible. Steering too much means zig-zagging over the course and rowing far more than 2,000 meters, which adds to the time. The trick is to keep the end in sight and steer to a center point far down the course, not trying to keep coming back to the center every stroke. To do this, the coxswain calls out increased pressure for a few strokes on one side of the boat or the other to correct the course rather than use the rudder, which slows down the boat.

Learning: High-performance teams always keep the end in sight and know the ultimate objectives of their work. Without a clear picture of the goal, teams thrash with the process and fail to achieve proper alignment in their activities. Going in the wrong direction as fast as you can doesn’t get you any closer to the finish.

Second, it’s not how hard you work; it’s how hard you work together: It turns out that pulling as hard as you can without pulling together actually slows the boat down. Imbalanced power will veer the boat in one direction and throw off the catch and release timing. Uncontrolled straining at the oar can tip your weight left or right and toss the boat side to side. A successful team pulls in perfect balance and with perfect timing.

Learning: Successful teams know that performance is a function of collaboration and coordination, not a sum of individual effort. Knowing how your contribution affects the outcome and staying highly aware of what others are doing while staying in sync are critical to delivering results. Reacting quickly, deliberately and in a coordinated fashion allows teams to adapt to changes, handle new information, and stay on target.



In Real Estate Sales: To Team Or Not To Team?

To Team Or Not To Team

 So, you want to start a team?

Or you already have a team and are now questioning that choice?

Maybe you already have a team performing at a high level, and you are looking for a boost?

You see, we’ve just about seen it all:

  • Starting a team too early;
  • Starting a team for the wrong reasons;
  • Starting a team without a straightforward value offering;
  • Starting a team with no or poorly written team agreements;
  • Letting your team and performance get stagnant.

In the most successful teams we know, the leader assumes the CEO role of the team, and they always lead with revenue! And they understand this:

“A system will produce what a system will produce, nothing less, nothing more.”

Here are a few thoughts to consider as it relates to team leadership:

Team Requirement No. 1:

Do you have a clear and compelling value proposition?

  • Will you be a lead provider?
  • Will you be a coach, trainer, and mentor?
  • Without a clear value, turnover will be the challenge you face.

Team Requirement No. 2:

You’re on Target or Ahead of Your Production Goal

  • Bringing additional team members aboard is not only a big responsibility… It’s taking on a serious expense.
  • If your income cannot support additional team members, you only set yourself up for failure.
  • Get your house in order, and then consider taking that next step.
  • Lead with revenue first

Team Requirement No. 3:

You Have At Least 4 Successful Pillars of Lead Generation

  • You have solid influence strategies (referrals) in place or control strategies (online leads) in place.
  • You’re tracking and measuring all your leading indicators, right? (If not, you’re not ready for a team.
  • When you look at your lead sources, are you producing multiple sales monthly from AT LEAST four different pillars?
  • The key here is to ensure your business is diversified sufficiently to support additional sales agents on your team.

Team Requirement No. 4:

You Have Lead Follow-Up Systems in Place That Create Raving Fans and Ensure a High Level of Service

  • Are your systems in place to the point that you can say you’ve operationalized your business?
  • If not, it’s not a total deal-breaker, but know that developing systems as you grow your team will steal precious time away from your more immediate dollar-productive work. Can you afford that?

Team Requirement No. 5:

You Have an Accountability Structure in Place That is Utilized Daily

  • As a team leader, you need a built-in system to hold you accountable to your schedule, the systems you have in place, and the others on your team.
  • This accountability structure begins with you and must extend to all who join your team.
  • Suppose you’re not consistently sticking to a morning schedule and setting that example for others. In that case, it will be difficult for you to expect team members to perform with the necessary daily discipline to succeed.
  • If not, you might want to work on your discipline a bit before putting yourself out there as a role model.

Team Requirement No. 6:

You are on a mission to grow your leadership skills and serve your team members

  • Face it, some of us just don’t want to “manage” others, and all that entails
  • If you are not into people with a decent EQ level, you might want to consider options like a sales or operations manager who can handle those things.

Now that you’ve considered six factors for team success, I have a practical exercise to start the process.

  1. Why do you – and your team – do what you do? This may sound like an odd question, yet one example could be: Are you in the real estate business (I sell real estate) or the problem-solving business? (We help consumers navigate the complex process of buying, selling, or investing in real estate with ease, transparency, and less stress.) See the difference?
  2. How are you different or unique? And does that matter to the typical consumer?
  3. Who is our ideal client? And how do you reach them in relevant, consistent ways?
  4. Hyper-local. Are you constantly working to become a hyper-local expert? The portals and national chains can never be the hyper-local expert.
  5. Growth plans – what is your vision? If you are in one city, do you want to expand into other cities or even another state?

There you have it; the opportunity is yours.

Consider this…

With all the plans, strategies, goals, innovations, business practices, and culture that make up your team, you are getting exactly the results your business systems and processes are currently capable of producing – nothing less, nothing more! Looking to be more outcome-focused? Read this blog from Mark Johnson, co-founder of CoRecruit.

To get better results, you must improve the design and execution of your business systems and processes—at the detail checklist level.

The law of cause and effect governs all business outcomes. To change an effect or result, you have to change the cause.



By Design vs. By Default

By design vs. by default with Seth Godin

Leaders make one thing more than any other: decisions.

Every environment has constraints, and the decisions about how time and resources are allocated – about what to do next – drive all outcomes.

How do leaders decide what’s next? Is it based on urgency, proximity, or values? It’s a mix of each, yet the top 1% make more value-based decisions.

The top 1% know the first in + first out approach is not an effective strategy; it’s typically an excuse or by default. Even worse: defaulting to the squeaky wheel strategy. Leaders minimize the whirlwind. By design vs. by default.


By design or by default
By design vs. by default


PS: Need help with talent attraction, selection, or sourcing accountability? Just a DM away.

If Information Was Enough

If information was enough, we would all be top performers in our profession, exercise every day, eat more vegetables, be within the government’s height and weight standards, and have a ton of money saved for the future.

Think about it: you can use Google or YouTube for the instruction manual for almost anything. You can access a step-by-step guide, the best practices, and the quick start guide. So, I have a straightforward question – with access to all this information and proven evidence – why do we still struggle with limiting beliefs and behaviors?

The answer? Our feelings outweigh our commitments. When our commitments outweigh our feelings, that’s when a breakthrough begins.

The five words that kill more dreams, more potential, and more happiness than any other five words spoken are:

I don’t feel like it.


I’m not sure of your dream, yet I suspect that for many of you, it’s more financial freedom, better health, stronger relationships, and more connectedness with your community. Yet let’s face it, so many times when you are about to start something toward those dreams, the onslaught of excuses flood your mind like water gushing out of a broken pipe. The theme of these excuses always traces back to the same root:

I don’t feel like it.”


How often have you said, “I don’t feel like it?”  How often have you listened to that thought, allowing it to alter the course of your actions? What has that cost you physically, financially, and emotionally?

What if you could make a different choice?


I know that “I don’t feel like it” is the universal human condition that silently kills dreams. Yet you and I don’t have to accept this dream killer, and we can overcome the feeling and move powerfully toward our goals and objectives. It starts with intention: the intention to live on your terms, not the terms of your moods and feelings.


When our commitments outweigh our feelings, that’s when a breakthrough begins.